Friday’s Food for Thought: Future Science & Tech

The greatest advances of 2016 and what’s on the horizon


Starting a New Year means reflecting on the past and looking forward. Science and technology, particularly geospatial capabilities, advanced considerably in 2016 and the pattern looks to continue in the year ahead.

MIT Technology Review recently featured what it dubs the 10 breakthrough technologies of 2016. Among genetic engineering and other health advancements, machine learning and knowledge sharing as well as Tesla’s Autopilot made the list. According to a Forbes article, seven technology trends that will dominate 2017 include the Internet of Things and smart home technology, augmented and virtual reality, machine learning, automation, big data, physical digital integration, and everything on-demand.

As the presidential administration prepares for the Jan. 20 transition, the White House Office of Science and Policy (OSTP) released an exit memo highlighting the effects President Obama’s leadership made on American scientific and technological enterprise throughout his tenure. The memo emphasizes 20 science and technology frontiers in which future investment and cross-sector collaboration will drive American innovation in the decades ahead. These areas include healthcare, smart communities, artificial intelligence and data science, clean-energy and climate, and space commercialization and exploration.

OSTP Director Dr. John Holdren and Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith offered 10 actions to broaden participation in science, technology, and innovation. These action items include investing in fundamental research, recruiting and retaining science and technology talent, increasing access to STEM education and driving innovation for education, among others.

Photo Credit: Tesla

Posted in: got geoint?   Tagged in: Education, Innovation, Machine Learning & AI

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